Saturday, April 4, 2015


                                                       A few facts about me!!

1) I feel that my Dharma or purpose in life is to teach people about Animal Rights. It is my number one passion.

2) I have one (human) son; Romeo, who is 2 1/2 yrs old.  Being a Mother is my favourite thing in the world. He is such a wee ray of Sunshine.

3)I have been married to my soulmate for nearly 5 years. We had a Disney themed wedding. It was awesome. He is the kindest husband and the best Daddy to Romeo and our Animal Companions.

4) I have just started working at my favourite organisation SAFE (Save Animals From Exploitation) and it is my DREAM job. My job is to look after the Wellington SAFE volunteers. It is the BEST.

5) I am incredibly emotional and sensitive and will cry very easily. I believe I am an Empath, which in short means I soak up and feel others pain, particularly my loved ones, and Animals. I used to view it as a weakness but now see it as my most treasured trait, as it lead me to going Vegan and then Zero Waste. Compassion is the most important gift to the world.

6) I used to be a junk food eater until I became ill with multiple illnesses. I went to a retreat to heal my self and learnt there about the importance of healthy, organic food, exercise and rest for overall heath and happiness. i now do Yoga and Mediation every single day and eat mostly organic, homemade food. I am now very passionate about the importance of living a healthy, organic and balanced life and spending LOTS of time in nature.

7) We have 3 companion Animals, Toto the Doggy, 7, and Bunnies Thumper and Audrey. I love them dearly and barely go anywhere without Toto by my side. He brings so much love and joy to my life and loves so unconditionally. Animals truly teach the true meaning of a simple but joyous life.

8) I LOVE simplicity and Minimalism. I used to be a very unconscious consumer until I began realising that THINGS never make you truly happy. We have downsized 80% of our possessions in the last year and we have never been happier. We now own only what is completely necessary or truly special and have found that we have more time and money to put towards things that give us joy, such as time in nature and saving towards travelling. 

9) I am a trained singer and actress. I LOVE to sing and still practise regularly at home. My favorite style is Musical Theatre. It is something that gives me great joy and one of my goals is to sing in a band in the weekends.

10) I grew up with my Mum and Day, older sister and younger brother in Christchurch, New Zealand, and recently moved to Wellington with my husband, son, and our 3 companion Animals.  There are LOTS of vegetarians and nature lovers in my family and they are very supportive of my Vegan lifestyle and are helping me go Zero Waste. I feel very grateful to have a family who are healthy eaters and conscious consumers. 

11) My 2 favourite things to do are reading and spending time in Nature with my family. I feel very blesses to live in such a nature rich country . My favourite books are The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Gone with the Wind, and Louise Hay's books.

12) and LASTLY.. I am a very positive person and I believe that Gratitude is the key to a happy life. I truly believe that we have the responsibility as an individual to live our dreams, follow our passions and live with a Grateful heart and a loving soul. I truly feel that each small positive choice we make as individuals has a ripple effect that transforms the world that we live in. I try my best to live each moment from this place. 

Much love to you!!

And Remember




1 comment:

  1. Hannah, you are a little ray of sunshine! The world needs more people like you. Keep doing what you do :-)
